Move Them to Action by Asking Two Questions

Move Them to Action by Asking Two Questions

When you assign or delegate a task, it’s crucial to ensure the recipient intends to act on it. Headshakes and nods often mask true intentions. To truly gauge readiness, you need to ask effective questions.

Typical Questions Fall Short Questions like “Does everyone know what is expected?” often yield superficial nods without revealing genuine commitment. Even an enthusiastic pep talk might not inspire action in a team setting.

A Different Approach Dan Pink, in his book To Sell Is Human, shares insights from Yale Research Scientist Michael Pantalon, suggesting two “irrational” questions to better gauge and inspire movement:

  1. On a scale of 1-10, how ready are you to take action? This helps quickly assess buy-in and commitment levels.
  2. Why didn’t you pick a lower number? This follow-up question catches people off guard and prompts them to articulate why they are somewhat ready. It shifts the focus to their readiness and available resources, fostering a sense of capability.

Example Conversation Leader: “James, on a scale of 1-10, how ready are you to get started on your action items?”

James: “About a four.”

Leader: “Why didn’t you pick a lower number?”

James: Because I have some of the information I need to get started. I have access to the data, and I have an idea of how I’d like to design the presentation so the data can be communicated clearly.

Leader: That’s a great start! How can we move the needle? What do you need from me to change that four to a ten?

Outcome This approach shifts the conversation to guidance and support, highlighting what is needed to increase readiness. By discussing why the number isn’t lower, individuals recognize their existing resources and preparedness.

Conclusion Testing for movement is critical. As George Bernard Shaw said, “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” Don’t assume understanding equates to readiness. Asking these two simple questions can be the key to ensuring genuine commitment and action.

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