Navigating the Chaos

At work, discipline is often defined by an individual’s strong work ethic, reliability, and commitment. These individuals are organized and maintain a consistent, focused work routine. They excel at prioritizing tasks and consistently deliver high-quality results. But what happens when the work environment becomes chaotic? How does someone who thrives in a structured setting, with clear processes and protocols, respond when faced with missing, vague, or ambiguous information?

Conversely, we could ask the same question about those who prefer ambiguity. They enjoy problem-solving without the constraints of structure. For them, highly regimented environments can feel stifling, limiting their creativity and restricting their performance. They need flexibility, autonomy, and the freedom to operate without rigid guidelines.

The good news is that there are individuals who can balance both worlds. These people function efficiently and effectively, regardless of the level of structure, without losing focus or productivity. But how do you identify them? How confident are you that your current hiring process can spot those who might not be the best fit for a given role?

At PSP Metrics, we have more than 75 years of experience helping organizations match job candidates to the job. Our Behavioral Metrics Survey (BMS) is designed to provide insights into workplace behaviors to help you avoid a poor match between the candidate and the role. We can help you, for example, determine if the candidate possesses a level of discipline that will allow them to function effectively based on the amount of structure required.

To learn more, visit We’re here to help you make the right hire.

Contact us today to revolutionize your recruitment process!

Reach out to Jim Taylor to learn more.

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