Understanding the Needs of Job Candidates

Understanding the Needs of Job Candidates

A 2022 article on the ConstructionDive website highlighted the growing importance of strategies to enhance employee well-being in the construction industry. The article referenced research by the marketing platform Semrush, which found that between February 2020 and February 2022, Google searches for well-being services increased by 1,300%, while employee searches for ‘how to ask for additional days off’ surged by 1,000%. Additionally, organizational searches for strategies around employee well-being grew by 133%.

Fast forward to 2024, and the focus on employee well-being shows no signs of waning. Implementing a strategy to combat burnout is an essential first step, and providing employees with the tools and resources to care for themselves is crucial to the overall health of your organization. But what more can be done to mitigate the challenges of stress, anxiety, and burnout?

The answer begins with pre-employment assessments. For over 75 years, PSP Metrics has been helping organizations enhance their hiring processes by offering insights that are otherwise difficult to obtain. Our assessments enable you to determine more accurately whether a candidate is a strong fit for the job and your organization. When it comes to employee well-being, here are a few examples of the work behaviors we can assess:

Work Energy – Does the candidate have the energy required to stay focused and avoid burnout in a fast-paced environment? Knowing this early in the hiring process allows you to implement measures that protect the employee’s well-being.

Frustration Tolerance – Can the candidate remain calm and composed when faced with challenges and setbacks? If the role is particularly demanding and the candidate’s profile shows low frustration tolerance, placing them in such a role could lead to burnout.

Objectivity and Resilience – When faced with challenges and setbacks, can the candidate remain objective in their decision-making, and do they recover quickly? If a candidate scores low in these areas, stress may negatively impact their ability to stay objective, and they may carry anxiety and frustration long after the situation has passed. Understanding this beforehand helps you determine if the candidate is suited for the role and avoid putting them in a position that could compromise their well-being.

Ensuring that a candidate is the right fit for the role significantly increases the likelihood they can manage the everyday stresses and challenges of the job, minimizing potential negative impacts on their well-being or leading to burnout.

Let us help you make informed hiring decisions that support both your organization and the well-being of your employees.

Contact us today to revolutionize your recruitment process!

Reach out to Jim Taylor to learn more.

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